Welcome to Big Sky Life Support HCBS

We strive to serve, support, and empower individuals struggling with mental illness.

Building a Supportive Community for a Brighter Tomorrow

Through the SDMI (Severely Debilitating Mental Illness) waiver for Montana, BSLS offers essential life coaching and behavior intervention assistance.

Recently, Big Sky Life Support HCBS (BSLS) transitioned to a non-profit and is working to raise funds to build a supportive community for the chronically homeless and mentally disabled population.

This group represents a significant portion of the chronically homeless population. BSLS’s envisioned community will provide income-driven rent, gardens, and a dedicated community center.

BSLS also prioritizes the well-being of caregivers by offering employee housing, reduced energy costs, and the cultivation of cannabis to provide affordable medicine to individuals in need.

Supporting the Chronically Homeless and Mentally Disabled

Big Sky Life Support HCBS is focused on providing services to chronically homeless and mentally disabled individuals throughout the state of Montana. BSLS is focused on housing, community and social integration, as well as, bridging the gap of homelessness to ensure the success of all individuals facing this horrible reality.

Your Donations Create a Lasting Impact

Your generous donation to Big Sky Life Support HCBS directly addresses the urgent need for a supportive community, which offers in-home and community-based mental health. Partnering with BSLS offers chronically homeless and mentally disabled individuals the opportunity to be sheltered and cared for based on their individual needs.

Thank you for making a brighter future!